Data Processing and Management
Data processing is a very important step before data analysis / reporting. In Schematics, We have a good expertise in this field. Your raw data is refined in such a systematic manner to make you capable in taking decision and conclusion.
Data processing is the collection of raw data and generation of meaningful result.
Data collection: - Data collection is done through manual (Offline) or computerized (Online). In manual data collection data is collected with the help of forms and then it is entered in the computer with the help of data entry operators. In computerized data collection a platform is developed so that user can directly enter the data with the help of internet.
Data preparation and processing:- After the collection of data, as per user requirement, it is analyzed and get it corrected. A numerous check has to be enabled so that misleading and fake data is identified and then it can be removed from the final stage.
Data output/interpretation:- The output /interpretation stage is the stage where the collected data is actually used for printing and report generation, so that meaningful outcome can be drawn.
Data Storage: - The final stage of data processing is storage. After all of the processing we take care and store your data for a period of 5 years. Within this defined set of time you can retrieve your data any time without incurring any cost. However price of media and transportation will be charged as per actual basis